Go back in time with just 250 euros by trying VAMPIRE PRP THERAPY! It is a revitalizing injection procedure that allows triggering the natural process of rejuvenating the patient’s skin, making it work as it once did. VAMPIRE THERAPY – PLATELET RICH PLASMA (PRP THERAPY), also known as “Vampire Facelift” or “Dracula Therapy”, works on the basis that its own natural healing powers can slow and even reverse the process of aging, being a revolutionary healing system that places growth factors in the exact location we want in the skin to repair and recover itself.
Treatment involves platelets harvested from the patient’s own blood in order to inject them into problematic skin areas, beginning with the extraction of a minimal amount of blood from the patient. This is then placed in a centrifuge that separates red blood cells from plasma with platelets. Platelets contain a high content of “growth factors” – proteins that help heal damaged tissue or damaged skin. When re-injected, the platelets release growth factors that cause the surrounding cells to proliferate, stimulates regeneration, increase in volume and skin rejuvenation.
The basis of the procedure is a patented method of special blood processing using a special set of tubes, vacuum biotechnology and a special centrifugation process. During the procedure, from the patient’s blood, a special form of plasma enriched in platelets is separated and injected into the patient’s tissues.
Platelet thrombocyte is a “natural youth elixir”, containing high concentration-enhancing factors as well as enzymes, proteins and vitamins in a natural combination.