Lipectomia known as liposuction (fat extraction) – is a technique to remove deposits of unwanted fat from specific areas of the body chin, neck, cheeks, upper arms, chest, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles.
Liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss, but it’s a way to remove fat, which can not be solved by diet and exercise. Taking into account liposuction, this material gives you some basic data to understand the procedure – how it can help, how it’s performed, and what results you should expect.
It can not answer all of your questions, since the intervention depends on both the patient and the surgeon. Please ask all that you have not understood in the consultations with the specialist.
Attention! Medical staff can provide objective information and recommendations, family members can tell you what they think you should do, but it is up to you to make the decision for surgery. This brochure provides you with as much information as possible about this surgery and will give you the chance to make an informed decision.
What happens in the consultation:
– the plastic surgeon will discuss with you about all previous medical events in your life (surgeries, hospitalizations, analyzes, medical problems requiring medical treatment, etc);
* then you will go to the reason why you want to have plastic surgery performed on you;
* a local and general exam will be performed if necessary;
* pictures will be taken for your personal archive, as well as for modifying your pictures on the computer, if necessary;
* once the diagnosis has been established, all surgical and non-surgical treatment options will be discussed, if any;
* the following aspects will be discussed: each treatment option, type of anesthesia, postoperative period, risks, complications, necessary preoperative analyzes;
* once the surgery indication has been established, you will be given details of the costs and payment methods;
* in case you decide on the treatment, you will return with the result of the preoperative analyzes indicated above, and the date of the surgery will be set.
* at the end of the consultation, you will receive a list of necessary, individualized patient analyzes, as well as written surgical information and pre and postoperative indications.
* it is advisable to ask questions about everything that is unclear at the time of the consultation to be perfectly informed about all aspects of treatment.
– You do not need a referral from your family doctor or an employee’s certificate in case of surgery – Before you go to a consultation, you will fill out a questionnaire about your medical history – Consultation lasts 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on diagnosis;
Who needs liposuction
Liposuction can increase your self confidence, but it can not completely change your appearance or solve all your problems. Before you decide on surgery, think of your expectations and talk to the surgeon. The best candidates for liposuction are those with a relatively normal weight, but who have fat deposits in different regions of the body. Patients must be healthy, mentally stable and realistic in their expectations.
If you have a firm and elastic skin, the result will be a better outline. Loose skin will not stretch on the new contour of the body and may require extra surgery to remove excess skin. This procedure will leave visible scars. Liposuction is not recommended if you have had recent surgery, poor circulation in the interest area or if you suffer from heart or lung disease. Liposuction itself does not improve the appearance of cellulite; surgeons recommend other techniques to address this aspect: mesotherapy – long-term treatment for cellulite (non-surgical).
Understanding the intervention
Liposuction is normally safe as long as the patients have been carefully selected, there are all the necessary facilities for surgery, and the surgeon has experience in the field. However, the procedure can cause severe trauma, particularly when multiple areas are suctioned in the same operation.
Another rare complication, but possible, is the accumulation of fluid that needs to be drained and also skin trauma. Excessive fluid loss or infection can lead to severe complications; you can reduce these risks by choosing an experienced plastic surgeon and strictly following their advice.
Postoperative scars are small and strategically placed to be hidden. There may be other problems such as swelling and ecchymosis of the area treated with skin color changes that may persist if you are exposed to the sun.
Asymmetry can often occur and require a second intervention.
During the first consultation, the surgeon will assess your health, determine where the fat stores are and check the tonus of your skin. All alternatives such as abdominoplasty or lipectomy will be explained and the options you have are discussed.
Be honest and discuss the expectations you have from this intervention. The procedure, the risks and the limits of the operation will be described in detail. You will be told what anesthesia will be used and the costs involved.
During the consultation, make sure to tell the surgeon about weight loss or periods of weight gain. Inform them if you smoke or take any medications, vitamins or other drugs. Do not hesitate to ask anything you did not understand.
The surgeon gives precise instructions on how to prepare for surgery; about diet and smoking, avoiding medicines and vitamins, iron tablets, etc.
Clinic staff will inform you about the time you need to attend the clinic. At what time you can take the last meal from the day of the intervention and before the intervention. If you have a cold or you have an infection of any kind, the surgery is avoided. Take care to have someone who can take care of you for a few days.
The surgery is performed in the operating room and requires hospitalization especially if it is an extended intervention. During recovery from anesthesia you will be monitored and an anesthetist specialist as well as a nurse will always be with you until you wake up.
Anesthesia is not only to provide analgesia (lack of pain) and immobilisation of the patient – but also to control the natural reactions of the body to pain and trauma. Although your mind can make a difference between a scalpel cut, introducing a hypodermic needle or venous catheter and an accidental or intentional injury, your body only knows that it has been hurt and immediately responds to repair injuries, stop bleeding and heal the area.
Anesthesia works in 5 different ways:
- as an analgesic (eliminates pain); 2. as an amnesiac (loss of memory) 3. produces loss of consciousness; 4. immobilizing the patient; 5. elimination or reduction of autonomic responses such as tachycardia, hyperventilation, hypertension, tearing.
Obstruction of sensory, reflective, mental and motion functions is required in order to operate safely and effectively. These factors cause the efficacy of anesthesia.
If the procedure is not extended – the amount of fat and liquids extracted will not greatly affect the weight, body contours and your postoperative comfort – the surgeon will be able to use local anesthesia combined with sedation that will weaken you. You will be awake but relaxed and you will feel a minimal discomfort. Some surgeons can use epidural anesthesia. If you are considering a wide area to be treated, the surgeon will want a general anesthetic in order for you to sleep throughout the surgery.
This information has been provided to you so that you do not feel overwhelmed and overcome when you talk about anesthesia with your surgeon. The explicit (knowingly) consent must be the only one to sign before surgery.
Liposuction usually takes 1-2 hours, but the time may vary from half an hour to a few hours depending on the area to be aspirated. The surgeon makes a small incision large enough to allow the cannula to enter. The opposite end of the cannula is attached to a vacuum cleaner that creates a negative pressure. The surgeon manipulates the cannula in depth at the deep fat layer, breaking the fat and then aspirating it. Sometimes extra incisions are needed to remove all of the fat.
If you have been given local anesthesia you will feel a vibration and friction during surgery. You may have a contraction sensation as the cannula approaches the muscle. You will suffer fluid loss during surgery, and it is crucial to replace these losses in order not to get into shock. You will receive infusions and if necessary transfusion of your own blood. In the case of general anesthesia, you will not feel these maneuvers.
After surgery, a drain tube is placed for 1-3 days in order to remove the fluids that can accumulate postoperatively. You must wear a compressible elastic corset to reduce bleeding and swelling and help the skin get tight. You must wear this corset continuously for 2-3 weeks, then only during the day for several weeks depending on the surgeon’s indications.
You will be prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection. Do not expect to look or feel good after surgery. You will be even heavier for a while because of the extra fluids you will receive. The aspirated area will be swollen with both bruises and burning sensation. Pain can be controlled with medication, although you will feel numb and troubled for a few days. Sensitivity is lost in the aspirated area, temporarily. Do not worry – it will come back in time. It is not abnormal to be depressed after surgery. Try to keep in mind that it is normal and that you will feel better and better.
The healing is a gradual process. You can walk after 1-2 days to prevent blood clots. The sutures will be removed after 5-10 days. Avoid physical activities for 2-4 weeks.
You can return to work within 10-14 days postoperatively. Most bumps will disappear within 1-2 months, but can persist for up to 6 months and more.
The surgeon will schedule visits so you can follow your progression and see if other retouching operations are needed. If symptoms occur that lead to a high discomfort – between these scheduled visits – for example bleeding or marked pain, do not hesitate to let the surgeon know.
Lipoaspiration is an effective technique to give you a new contour of the body with minimal scars. The result may be permanent if you have a regular diet and a regular exercise program. If you re-gain weight you will do it evenly and not just in certain areas. Most patients are very satisfied with the results of the surgery and will feel more comfortable in new clothes and with their new body. As long as your expectations are realistic you will be happy with your new image.