Congenital malformations are defects that occur in embryonic and fetal development. May be caused by genetic defects, intrauterine causes, infections or chromosomal defects. Plastic surgery can solve multiple congenital malformations through reconstructive surgery, in order to restore functionality, mainly to correct aesthetic deficits, and last but not least to avoid future complications.
Patients with congenital malformations of the face and hands may have a healthier life after these reconstructive interventions, with normal activities and increased psychological comfort.

What are the most common congenital malformations:
- Moles – of different sizes, shapes, colors, consistent, located on the skin, causing disfigurement
- Lip and palatal cheiloschisis, palatoschisis – one of the most common congenital malformations. Children born with these malformations require urgent reconstructive surgery during the first few days of their life, to be able to feed, survive. Subsequently, these scars, as the child grows, require multiple retouching interventions, up to 18 years, when the skeleton development process ends.
- Congenital malformations of the auricular pavilion – Incorrect or defective development of the auricular pavilion, decollated ears;
- Congenital malformations of the fingers – macrodactylia (increased abnormal size of fingers), sindactilia (2 or more fingers are glued together); polidactilia (there are extra fingers).